How You Can Help:
Financial Support:
Monthly Pledge: ____ $25 ____ $50 ____ $100 _____$500
other $ ________One Time Gift of $ ________.
Adopt-a-Child for a year: ______ $1,900 Annual Pledge
Adopt-a-Child per month: ______ $158 per Month for a year.
*ONLINE CREDIT CARD donations are safe and easy through Network For Good!
Follow the donation link at: www.networkforgood.org
Choose your non profit menu select: Samaritan Neighborhood Center, Oakland, CA
Remember your donations are TAX DEDUCTIBLE! SNC is a tax exempt 501(c)(3) non profit organization. 100% of your donations go directly to programs serving low income children and youth. Write checks payable to: Samaritan Neighborhood Center
Volunteer as a Tutor or Mentor:
Please contact us if you wish to volunteer or need additional information.
Samaritan Neighborhood Center
534 - 22nd Street Oakland CA 94612
PH 510.832.4328 FAX 510.832.4327
E-Mail SNCenter@gmail.com